The referee in the football match between Tanzania and Uganda at the ongoing East African inter parliamentary games competition in Arusha, was whisked away by the security as the player of team Uganda charged towards him.
The players accused the referee of refusing to award a penalty when the ball was handed in the 16 years box by a Tanzania player as Uganda trailed 1:0.
The referee insisted that there was no foul and decided to carry on the game. Chaos ensued and players headed for the neck of referee who was saved by security.
“The players and fans were chasing him. They wanted him to award a penalty to Uganda but he refused. The game ended there and that was all,” one of the MPs attending the games in Arusha said and asked not to be named in this story.
It is not yet clear whether Tanzania will be given a walk over or the game will be repeated at some stage bit as it stands, Uganda were left 1:0 down .