Nsanziiro Huzaifah and Nabbosa Aisha were classmates during their senior five at Nateete Moslem High School. The two couples were in the same class and little did they know that it was going to be the start of their love life.
“I met my wife in our A-level at school. I had missed a class,and I wanted to copy notes so I asked for her notes. It was a normal interaction about class business majorly,” said Nsanziiro.
“At first it was all about friendship, but as time went on I slowly got interest in my wife and yes I confessed my love for her,” said Nsanziiro.
Huzaifah says he thanks Allah because his wife did not give him hard time, “I only took her once on a date and that was on her birthday last her in 22nd December 2022 because she is not a person who would dwell on things like dates. She really eased things for me”
The two lovebirds attribute the love to the respect they had for themselves and the support from their parents during their courtship.
“She used to come at home (parent’s home) and she visits once in a while and mt parents knew that she was just a friend,” said Nsanziiro.
He added; “And I visited her once at her parent’s home, I had gone to see her mother specifically. I wanted to confirm whether I am known by her parents and whether she was really willing to get married to me,”
“The love of my mother-in-law to-be was beyond my expectation. She was welcoming and kind. This was after she had realized that we had something that we were planning (our Nikkah) ,” he recalls.
On 3rd of June, 2023 Huzaifah did a pre visit traditionally known as the “Kukyala” to his wife’s aunt place in Mityana for an officially be introduced so that the matters proceed to the girl’s father. The couple successfully had their pre visit.
The couple says that thay did not want delay any thing any longer so they started preparing for the ceremony as soon as possible. The two agreed to settle for 2nd July, 2023 and this forced them to work hard towards it.
“My wife’s family did not ask for specific things, but instead they asked us to bring things used for an introdcuction and Nikkah according to the Buganda culture and Islamic culture, so I brought most of the things according to my wish to honor them respectfully,” said Huzaifah.
Their wedding did not give them hard time and they did not hold any sort of wedding meeting to help them with the preparations.
“I did everything for myself including the budget because I knew that I could manage and I did not want words from people because sometimes meetings are destructive,” he adds.
On the D-day they received the planned number of guests that they had called to their capacity.
“On D- day I delayed a bit and she got nervous when I delayed to their place at their place, we were supposed to arrive at 2pm but I reached at 4pm but she does not want to admit that she was nervous.,” said Huzaifah.
“I met Huzaifah in 2016 and I am so blessed to have my husband and to be with him because he is a very religious, humble and hardworking, loving and kind person that I had ever met.” Said Aisha
“On my wedding, I was so stressed because my husband delayed to come, we had agreed that by 2pm he would be at the venue but he eventually showed up at 4pm. Indeed, it was my perfect wedding,” she recalls.
“I promised her to be the only woman number 1, 2, 3 and 4 and so far we are doing good because” he says.
We are so grateful for the guests, friends and family that turned up for our wedding surely they did not ashame us in any way.
One of Huzaifah’s old friends Mr. Haruna Kibirige praised of being a humble person for the time he has been with him.
“He is a person who is a humble hardworking person and that’s why I nicknamed him “The Humble Lion”. He does he work willingly and always fights to get what he wants in life through hard work. These qualities are found in very few youths now days,” said Haruna, an old time friend.
“I also argue the youth, to embrance the same way of life like Huzaifah and should always go for things in their means and not fear to get married,” said Haruna, an old time friend.
The couple says life has so far been smooth for them after their marriage even with all the hardships they have come a long way they have managed to build together and they are still hoping for the best ahead of them.
“Life has generally been simple and good for us even with all the hardships God has seen us through and we are hoping for the best. I love my wife so much and I want her to know that everything she wants in a man I have it ,” says Nsanziiro.